
SGCH Olentangy Fortune Trona 3*M E5
Linear Appraisal:
6-02 92/E E E E
5-04 92/E E E E
4-02 91/E E E E
3-02 90/V E E E
2-05 90/V E E E
1-04 86/V E E +
0-04 VG/V E E |
6-01 180 1,730 54F 47P
5-01 171 2,030 68F 59P
4-00 244 2,270 85F 64P
3-00 305 2,570 94F 76P
2-00 305 2,090 86F 66P
1-00 305 1,870 75F 60P
LIFE 1,658 13,480 496F 399P |
Show Record:
Career: 7x BIS, 12x BOB, 4x GCH, 3x RGCH
2009: Retired
2007 All-American 5 & Under 7 Year-Old
2007 ADGA National Show 5th 5-6 Year-Old
2005 ADGA National Show 5th 3 Year-Old
2005 Reserve All-American 3 Year-Old
2002 All-American Intermediate Kid
TRONA is a beautiful, deep bodied eight year-old and the first FORTUNE daughter. She is very correct in general appearance with an up-hill stance and excellent rear legs. As a kid, she was Best in Show at her first show and capped the year off with the All-American title. Her yearling freshening produced a well attached mammary with ideal teat placement, udder support and a very wide rear udder attachment. Her fore udder was short in length and thus resulted in her "+" mammary score which has improved with additional freshenings and capacity.
Her friendly personality makes it an easy decision to bring her to the shows. As a milking yearling TRONA and her dam were 5th place Dam & Daughter at the 2003 ADGA National Show. As a two year-old, she had difficulty delivering a dead kid which greatly impacted her production. Her exciting Best in Show title at the Rogue Valley DGA in Central Point, Oregon (pictured below) and subsequent, finishing championship win at the Thurston County Fair and Reserve Championship at the Evergreen State Fair reflected her excellent recovery and beautiful condition.
At three, she matured into a powerful, deep and productive doe placing an impressive 5th at the National Show as well as 3rd produce of dam with TRAVERTINE. Since then we haven't looked back winning Best in Show at the Thurston County Fair and an even more exciting Best in Show title at the Clackamas County Fair where she was part of our Supreme Dairy Herd in Show. Another consecutive excellent apraisal session at age three, scoreing EX in shoulder assembly, front legs & back proves her structural correctness.
She didn't lose any esteem in 2006, winning Best of Breed at the District VII Alpine Specialty Show over 45 senior does and Reserve Grand Champion at the Evergreen State Fair. As a five year-old she was again 5th at the ADGA National Show and won another Best in Show credit at the Wildrose DGA. She continued her winning ways at age six with another EX92 appraisal and two more Best in Show titles, including Best of Breed and Best in Show at the Western Washington Fair over two ADGA National Champions from the 2008 Louisville, KY National Show.
Now ten years-old, time is starting to catch up with her with a rear leg injury that caused her retirement from the show ring two years ago. Easily the MVP of my breeding program, she is a great friend and the definition of a working, show dairy goat that passes on her correctness for generations with three SGCH daughters, THANKS TRONA!!!

Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington USA
E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com

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Last modified: 10/26/2017
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