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SGCH Olentangy Snapple Tellurian 5*M

Born: 2/26/2006
Pictured as a 2 Year-Old, 2nd Lactation

     SS: ++*B Sweet Dreams Wildfire
Sire: +B GCH Clovertop's Snapple 
     SD: Clovertop's Cherry Sorbet

     DS:  +*B GCH Cherry Glen Radical Highlight  EX91
Dam:  SGCH Olentangy High Tennantite 4*M  EX91

     DD:  GCH Olentangy Fortune Trona 3*M
          DDD:  GCH Olentangy Fiery Tanzania 2*M  VG89
             DDDD:  GCH Olentangy Phenomenal Tanzanite *M

PTI:  +67  +68

Linear Appraisal:
2008:  2-04  90/V E V E
2007:  1-05  87/+ E E E
2006:  0-03  VG/V + +
2-01  256  2,980 100F 78P
1-02  302  2,640   76F 73P  v

Show Record:
2008 shown 3X: 2x BOB, 2x GCH, 1x RCH
2007 All-American Milking Yearling
2007 ADGA National Show 9th Milking Yearling
2006 California State Fair 2nd Senior Kid

TELLER is the result of a record-breaking road trip to breed to the 2005 ADGA National Show Premier Sire. I think her young statistics speak for itself that it was worth the excessive trip. She freshened with the most exciting mammary I’ve ever had in her maternal line with the highest appraising rear udder height score in the herd. A third, consecutive generation ADGA National Show top ten placement as a milker indicates the competitiveness of the TRONA family. Pictured below is her dam, TENNANTITE at the 2006 California State Fair as a first freshening two year-old.

Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, WA  98446

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