
++*B GCH Clovertop's Fire Storm
Born: 3/20/1998 DNA TYPED
Pictured as a 4 year-old
SS: ++*B Sweet Dreams R. Blackjack
Sire: ++*B Sweet Dreams Wildfire
SD: Chateau de Ville's Wildthing 5*M VG86
DS: ++*B Hoach's Goldengenes
Dam: GCH Clovertop's Gene Sashay 2*M
DD: Clovertop's Sashay 1*M
Semen Available: $125/straw, very limited quantities
Linear Appraisal:
2003: 5-03 85/+ E E
2002: 4-03 89/V V E
2001: 3-03 84/A V V
1998: 0-03 VG/V V +
Show Record:
Career: 1x BOB, 4x GCH, 3x RGCH
2003 All American 5 & Older Buck
2002 All American 4 Year-Old Buck
2001 All-American 3 Year-Old Buck
1998 Reserve All-American Kid |
USDA Sire Summary Info:
D/AV 2,226 88F 68P FS-87
PTI: -31 +43 (August 2016)
PTI: -23 +47 (December 2014)
PTI: -22 +45 (August 2014)
PTI: -19 +47 (November 2013)
PTI: -21 +46 (August 2013)
PTI: -18 +47 (November 2012)
PTI: -25 +30 (July 2012)
PTI: -35 +25 (November 2011)
PTI: -73 -14 (November 2010)
PTI: -7 +31 (January 2007) |
FIRE STORM, a 3-Time All-American, was an extremely tall (50 in stature), sharp buck with great length of body. Both his sire and dam have been instrumental in breeding programs across the country over the past decade. While visiting to the Clovertop Dairy I fell in love with Storm's dam, SASHAY. She was tall, upstanding and dairy with one of the most ideal mammary systems I've seen on an Alpine in shape, fore udder extension, medial and teat placement. Her sons; SAMURAI, at Redwood Hills had the 4th place sr. get-of-sire at the '99 National Show and SENATOR while at Udder Way sired the first place 3-year-old at the '97 ADGA National Show. Storm's paternal half brother, GCH Clovertop's Snapple, sired the 2002 ADGA National Show 1st & 2nd place 2-year-olds and the Reserve Best Udder over 245 Alpine senior does and was the 2005 ADGA National Show Premier Sire.
In my herd, STORM was frugal with doe kids but those daughters are some of my nicest ever. His junior get-of-sire was 2nd at the 2000 ADGA National Show and his senior get-of-sire was 4th at the 2003 ADGA National Show. Six daughters and one son have been awarded Alpines International All-American titles over the past four years. Already he has eight champion offspring and more up and coming daughters with great promise. Mammary systems are his forté, throwing consistently strong rear udder height, fore udder extension & small, well delineated teat size.
Not shown until three years old, he was Grand Champion and Best of Breed at the District VII Alpine Specialty Show in 2001 for his first championship win. He followed that up with a Reserve Champion win at the 2002 District VII Specialty and then two more championship titles in Washington and Oregon to finish in 2002.

Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington USA
E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com

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