Introducing our 2002 ADGA Spotlight Sale Consignment:
Olentangy Fiery Cyprine AA1224651 ~ DOB: 4-06-02
Congratulations to Don & Donna Moore of Alvarado, TX, who purchased Cyprine for $2,100!
SS: ++*B Sweet Dreams Wildfire '95 ADGA National Show 3rd place jr. get-of-sire Sire: ++*B GCH Clovertop’s Fire Storm VG85 2001 All-American & 1998 Reserve All-American SD: GCH Clovertop’s Gene Sashay 2*M 2-01 305 2980 81f 2.7% (AR41)
DS: +*B Iroquois-KC Yreka Phenomenon VG88 D/AV 2340 93f 4.0% 71p FS-85.3 ’98 ADGA National Show 1st place jr. get-of-sire Dam: SGCH Olentangy Phenomenal Carnelian EX91 2003 ADGA National Show 9th 5-6 Year-Old 2000 Reserve All-American 2 Year-Old 1999 All-American Milking Yearling DD: Olentangy Es-Sell Chatoyant 1*M VG87 2-00 305 2580 117f 4.5% 79p 3.1%
DNA Typed & Parentage Verified |
Linear Appraisal: 0-04 VG/V Ec Ec 1-00 85/VV++ 2-00 86/+E+V 3-01 89/VEEE |
Show Record: 2004 shown 2X: 1x RGCH 2002 shown 8X: 1x GCH, 1x RGCH; 4x 1st, 1x 2nd |
CYPRINE is a beautiful, dark chamoisee born April 6, 2002. She has good strength and substance of bone, a very smoothly blended front end assembly and a beautiful topline (Ec in back). At her first show she was reserve junior champion at the Evergreen DGA show in early June (pictured above) and since has been junior champion at the Southwest Washington Fair. A repeat breeding of our 3-year-old, GCH Cinnabar (pictured below as a 2nd freshener), I expect great things from this flashy kid.
Cyprine represents over two decades of dedicated, quality Olentangy breeding.

Mark V. Baden Tacoma, WA 98446 253-538-0952 E-mail: m_baden@msn.com

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