GCH Olentangy Fortune Cinabre 4*M
Linear Appraisal: 3-01 92/E E V E 2-05 88/V V V E 1-03 VG/V V V 0-03 VG/V V V |
DHIR: 3-10 300 2,560 106F 77P 2-11 272 2,530 103F 73P v 2-00 288 1,880 89F 58P v |
Show Record: 2007 ADGA National Show 7th 5-6 Year-Old 2006 California State Fair 4th 4 Year-Old 2005 ADGA National Show 10th 3 Year-Old 2004 shown 14X: 1x RGCH; 5x 2nd, 6x 3rd, 3x 4th 2003 shown 8X: 1x GCH, 2x RGCH; 4x 1st, 3x 3rd |
BREE is an alert, animated, broken-red chamoisee. If you don't know what I mean by "alert & animated" then you haven't bred Alpines very long! Despite her mischievious attitude, she is a smooth doe with excellent feet & legs. Not one of my starlets as a kid, she wasn't shown much until a dry yearling where she was Junior Champion at the Central Oregon DGA Triple Crown in Redmond, OR for her first championship win.
As a two year-old, she freshened with a mammary that is beautiful in all aspects. The shape of the mammary in side profile and fore udder extension are ideal. I showed her a lot that year and the judges always liked her; unfortunately they also liked GCH TSAVER, GCH TRONA and MANDIE too! She easily took the spotlight as a three year-old for her superior mammary system and dairyness...having an excellent season finishing at the Central Oregon DGA over 48 seniors and a tenth placing at the National Show. Her EX92 final score was an exciting first, with 50 in rear udder height and excellent head, rear legs & back traits. Her milk production hasn't been as stellar at age four, but still looks good at the shows placing fourth at the California State Fair. She passes her beautiful mammary on to her daughters with CINNABARIS placing 7th milking yearling at the 2005 ADGA National Show and CINNABARINA placing 3rd/1st udder at the 2006 California State Fair.
2007 Status: Natural Service Breeding: +*B SG Willow Run Atlas Remus Freshened March 3, 2007: No Kids Available.
Mark V. Baden 4013 Military Road East Tacoma, WA 98446 253-538-0952 E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com
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