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GCH Olentangy Tierro Championchip 9*M

CHAMP @ 2019 Washington State Fair

Color:  Two-Tone Chamoisee                     Born: 3/09/2018
Pictured as a 2 year-old, 2nd freshener        

   SS: ++*B SG Shahena'ko W Sumo
Sire: ++*B SGCH Shahena'ko Sumo Tierro  Premier Sire 1998
   SD: GCH Shahena'ko S Tierra 3*M  EX91

   DS: ++*B Shining-Moon X-Rated

Dam: GCH Olentangy X-Rated Chippendale 8*M  EX92
GCH Olentangy Lance Miss Ruby Chip 7*M  EX90

DDD: SGCH Olentangy Trojan Miss Ruby C 6*M  EX91
      DDDD: GCH Olentangy Snapple Corundum 5*M  EX90
        DDDDD: GCH Olentangy Fortune Cinabre 4*M EX92
        DDDDDD: GCH Olentangy Fiery Cinnabar 3*M EX90
         DDDDDDD: SGCH Olentangy Phenomenal Carnelian 2*M EX91

PTI:  +29  +96 ~December 2020       PTI:  +24  +80 ~August 2020
PTI:    +7  +62 ~December 2019
ETA:   -26  +17 ~December 2018

Linear Appraisal:
2021: 3-03  89/E V E V DRY 

2019: 1-03  87/V + V V 
1-10  328  3,830 167F 112P  ip
1-02  199  1,550   59F  47P

Show Record: 
2020 Shown 2X: 1x BOB, 2x GCH; 2x 1st/1stU

2019 Shown 4X: 2x 1st, 2x 2nd
~2nd/1st udder Milking Yearling @ ADGA National Show
~2nd/2nd udder Milking Yearling @ Washington State Fair
~2019 All-American Milking Yearling
2018 Shown 4X: 1x BIS, 1x GCH; 3x 1st
~3rd Intermediate Kid @ Washington State Fair
~1st Intermediate Kid @ Utah State Fair

CHAMP is a fancy second freshening two year-old and another outstanding DALE daughter. I was quite excited to finally have an AI breeding to TIERRO settle once again and for the first time it resulted in not just one, but two does! CHAMP sports one of my favorite Alpine colors and has a beautifully smooth front end assembly and strong feet & legs. The only thing I would have changed about her as a kid would have been a prettier rump angle. She won her dry leg with a Best in Show title at the Spokane NEWDGA show. 

She freshened in late spring with a strong mammary, an improvement over her dam's in rear udder capacity. Her first show as a senior doe was at the ADGA National Show where she was 2nd/1st udder and a part of our 3rd place Senior Breeder's Trio. Her mammary exhibits ideal teats in TP, TD, TL and a very correct udder floor MSL score.

Her second freshening has provided additional capacity to her mammary and increased dairiness as can be seen when comparing her yearling and two year-old photos. She has the best production of all the DALE daughters (BLOCK, ROO & CHAMP). I'm excited that she settled AI to "Prince", these kids are 75% full siblings to the famous SGCH Tempo Aquila Tokay, the 2008 ADGA National Champion & dam of YUKON JACK. A doe kid would be even more exciting for our future breeding program plans...and we got 2!


            GCH CHIP O' THE BLOCK, maternal 1/2 sister                                 GCH CHIPPER-OO. maternal 1/2 sister

2021 Status:
A/I Breeding:                  

Preordered Kids:             DRY - No kids available until 2022

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Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington  USA

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