
GCH Olentangy Fiery Almandine 5*M
Linear Appraisal: 7-01 91/E V E E 6-02 92/E E E E 5-03 90/V V E E 4-01 92/E E E E 3-01 91/E E V E 2-04 89/V V V E 1-03 Ec/Ec V Ec 0-03 VG/V Ec Ec |
DHIR: 6-11 90 670 22F 22P 6-00 188 1,110 36F 34P 4-11 194 1,620 46F 47P 4-00 239 1,980 68F 55P 2-11 305 2,660 91F 77P 1-11 298 2,010 77F 59P LIFE 1,314 10,050 340F 294P |
Show Record: Career: 2x BIS, 4x BOB, 11x GCH, 2x RGCH 2009 ADGA National Show 6th 7 & Older 2008 All American 5-6 Year-Old 2007 ADGA National Show 8th 5-6 Year-Old 2005 ADGA National Show 3rd/3rd Udder 3 Yr-Old 2005 All-American 3 Year-Old 2003 ADGA National Show 2nd Senior Yearling 2003 All-American Senior Yearling |
The old adage of "Good things come to those who wait" certainly can be applied to my "A" doe-line. The AMETRINE x FIRE STORM cross was attempted four times before it finally produced my beautiful MANDIE. As a kid, she was only shown at our season finale and was 3rd behind herdmates. That winter she grew into an impressive yearling and was Best in Show in both rings at the Skagit All Breed Club. A confusing second place at the ADGA National show and then being named the All-American over the National Junior Champion were her dry yearling highlights.
Her two year-old freshening produced a beautifully shaped mammary with extreme height to the rear udder (score 48). She was Grand, Best of Breed and Best Udder at the SW Washington Fair and ended the season with her second championship win at the Central Washington State Fair. Additional capacity as a second freshening three year-old has provided the bloom to her mammary and overall attractiveness enabling her to finish her championship at the first show of the season. Her show highlights include 3rd/3rd udder at the National Show and Champion at the Thurston County, Clackamas County and Western Washington Fairs. She shows why this doe line is my best as a third generation excellent appraising champion, with a top-five placing at ADGA National Shows. Her EX91 (2005 score) includes; E in head, shoulder assembly, back, rump and udder texture.
As a four year-old she didn't have the show "bloom" that my other adults does had so she took a break from the spring shows, although was champion at the Wildrose DGA with in a full coat of hair! At age six she was Grand Champion & Best of Breed at the District VII Alpine Specialty Show and the All-American winner. She has finally started to have daughters and now I'm fortunate to have three beautiful, winning ones to continue this outstanding family. I am the most proud of this doe line and her EX92 appraisal reflects the consistent structural correctness of this stylish family. Her structural category scores were all V or E in every trait including feet.

Mark V. Baden Tacoma, Washington USA 253-538-0952 E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com

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