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Olentangy Reed Tyrolite 5*M  A/I

Broken Silver Chamoisee               Born: 2/14/2008
Pictured as a Milking Yearling 
(September 16, 2009)

     SS: +*B Willow-Run Apache
          SSD: SGCH Maple Glen Classic's Angela *M
*B Willow Run Apache Reed
     SD: GCH Goose-Crossing Real Love 6*M  '99 ADGA Nat'l Champion

     DS: +*B SGCH Milar-Farm Royal Image  EX90
SG Olentangy Image Tivoli 4*M  VG89
GCH Olentangy Rainman Travertine 3*M  EX90
GCH Olentangy Fiery Tanzania 2*M

PTI:  -6  +8

Linear Appraisal:
1-03  87/V V E V
2-01 200  1,420  48F  42P
1-11 258  1,540  56F  44P
Show Record: 
Career:  1x GCH, 4x RGCH
2010 shown 2X: 2x RGCH; 2x 1st
2009 ADGA National Show 6th Milking Yearling
2009 shown 12X:  1x GCH, 1x RCH; 8x 1st, 3x 2nd
2009 Reserve All-American Milking Yearling

TYRO is a large, 'white-washed' two-tone chamoisee milking yearling. Her pedigree is somewhat of an experiment as her sire only had three registered progeny before her birth. REED's geneology is an interesting French mixture crossing two ADGA National Champions from the 90's in SGCH Maple Glen Classic's Angela ('96 & '97 Champion) and GCH Goose Crossing Real Love ('99 Champion).

TYRO has beautiful general appearance for a young doe with outstanding feet & legs and an incredibly wide topline. I particularly like her strength and substance of bone. Her mammary has beautiful shape, especially from the rear, with plumb teats and excellent medial support. She grew all summer and surprised us with a senior Grand Champion win at the Thurston County Fair! It wasn't a fluke because she followed that with a Reserve Champion win at the Wildrose DGA behind AMARANTITE later that month. She finished the season 1st/1st udder at both the Western & Central Washington State Fairs. With a second freshening next season, I expect even more exciting things from her.

TYRO July 2009 - yearling rear udder

Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington  USA

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