Olentangy Fiery Timbal 6*M A/I
MONSTER is a shy 2nd freshening 2 year-old with similarities to many of her paternal sisters, which we are thrilled to have a FIRE STORM daughter back in the herd! As a kid, she earned her first championship leg at the Evergreen State Fair for her strong feet & legs.
She freshened in May 2014 with the mammary system that STORM so consistently has provided for us over the years...ideal teat size & placement and beautiful rear udder height & arch. Also consistent, is the mediocre first freshening production...which is of no concern because history has shown us in GCH ALMANDINE, GCH AUTUNITE, GCH ADULARIA and several others, the milk will be there next year. She was 3rd place milking yearling at the Washington State Fair to end the season.
No surprise in our breeding program, we have bred her AI to FORTUNE, a cross that has produced our best does ever...these kids are more than 3/4 full siblings to; SGCH TRONA EX92, SGCH TSAVER EX92, SGCH CHRYSTIN EX93, and GCH CINNABRE EX92! Lucky for us, she had a beautiful doe from the breeding and we are considering doing it again for 2016!
TOOELEITE as a long-milking-yearling TIMBAL
TIMBAL as a kid
Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington USA
E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com
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Last modified: August 24, 2016
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