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SGCH Olentangy High Tennantite 4*M  A/I

Born: 3/31/2004
Pictured as a 3 Year-Old, 2nd Lactation 

     SS: ++*B GCH Tempo Aquila Free Radical  VG87
Sire: ++*B GCH Cherry Glen Radical Highlight 
     SD: SGCH Cherry Glen T. Holly's Hope 2*M  EX92

     DS: ++*B SG Redwood Hills Journey Fortune 
Dam: SGCH Olentangy Fortune Trona 3*M  EX92
     DD: GCH Olentangy Fiery Tanzania 2*M
GCH Olentangy Phenomenal Tanzanite 1*M

PTI:  +75  +136 ~ November 2012

Linear Appraisal:
4-02  91/V E E E
3-04  91/E E E E
2-02  89/V V V E
1-02  VG/V Ec Ec
0-05  Ec/V Ec Ec

3-11 217 2,380 72F 65P ip
3-01 181 2,110 77F 60P
1-10 302 2,180 78F 63P

Show Record:
Career: 1x BOB, 6x GCH
2008 Shown 1X: 1x 1st
2007 ADGA National Show 9th 3 Year-Old
2004 Reserve All American Intermediate Kid
2004 District VII Alpine Specialty Junior Champion

TENN is an exciting accomplishment for my breeding program being a fourth generation, home-bred, permanent champion. A broken cou clair, she has strong feet & legs with good substance of bone. As a kid she was junior champion at the District VII Alpine Specialty Show and later named the Reserve All American. Failed A/I breeding attempts left her a dry yearling in 2005, but it was worth the wait to see her udder as a two year-old.

She freshened with a shapely mammary and excellent dairy style. TENN finished her championship at the Magic Valley DGA and was 1st/1st udder at the Evergreen State Fair. Her second freshening has provided additional capacity, peaking at over 15 pounds. At the 2007 ADGA National Show, she was 9th place three year-old and paired with TRONA, was 2nd Dam & Daughter. Her EX91 appraisal session included excellent scores in; back, rump, front & rear legs.

Three daughters are currently in the herd and all have her winning style. Her daughters by SNAPPLE were 14th sr. yearling (TANTALUM) and 9th milking yearling (TELLURIAN) in Gillette.

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Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington  USA

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