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GCH Olentangy Phenomenal Tanzanite 1*M

Born: 4/17/1997
Pictured as a 2-year-old, 2 freshenings

     SS: ++*B GCH Sodium Oaks Yreka
Sire: +*B Iroquois-KC Yreka Phenomenon
     SD: GCH TIFDOROYL SDC Venus Valerie 4*M

     DS: +*B Hoach's Encore Performance
Dam: Olentangy Encore Turamali
     DD: Olentangy Es-Sell Tourmaline 2*M

PTI:   +31  +77   ETA:  -24  +25

Linear Appraisal:
1998: 1-02  85/V V + V

1-01 254 1200 57f 4.8% 42p 3.5%
Show Record:
1999 All-American 2-year-old
1998 ADGA National Show 19th milking yearling
1997 All-American Junior Kid

A beautiful, sharp chamoisee, TANZANITE was an outstanding correct doe in general appearance with the best feet & pasterns and excellent rear leg angulation. Her mammary was high and wide in rear attachment with good teat placement. As a milking yearling, her first show was at the 1998 St. Paul National Show where she was 19th and part of my 9th place breeder's trio. She comes from our highest butterfat line and earned her star as a yearling, then as a second freshener she peaked at over 14lbs.

As a two year-old she really looked beautiful. She finished her championship with GCH & BOB wins at the Buckeye Blast-Off over 36 Alpine sr. does 4th of July weekend and was Best in Show at the Tri-State DGA. All three of my 2-year-olds were very competitive that year and each took their turn at the top of the line - Tanzanite had 2 more RGCH wins, one of which was behind GCH Trina. Part of our undefeated Phenomenon sr. get-of-sire and our coveted Governor's Award-winning dairy herd, Tanzanite was 3rd/2nd udder of 18 2-year-olds at the '99 Ohio State Fair.

We were devastated when her udder became uneven one month before the 2000 ADGA National Show, preventing her from being shown and limiting our group classes. Only shown once in 2000, she was second to GCH Trina out of 11 as a DRY doe! Still one of my sentimental favorites for her friendly personality and beautiful type, her daughter GCH Tanzania is proving to be a show stopper just like her.

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Mark V. Baden
4013 Military Road East
Tacoma, WA  98446

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