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GCH Olentangy Fiery Tanzania 2*M

Born: 3/29/2000   DNA TYPED
Pictured as a 3 Year-Old, 2nd lactation

     SS: ++*B Sweet Dreams Wildfire
Sire: ++*B GCH Clovertop's Fire Storm
     SD: GCH Clovertop's Gene Sashay 2*M

     DS: +*B Iroquois-KC Yreka Phenomenon VG88
Dam: GCH Olentangy Phenomenal Tanzanite *M
     DD: Olentangy Encore Turamali

PTI:  -6  +38   ETA:  -17  +23

Linear Appraisal:
4-05  89/V V E E
3-03  89/V E E V
2-04  86/V + E V
1-05  G+/+ + +

4-00 213 1,440 68F 44P ip
3-00 305 1,920 76F 63P  v
Show Record:
Career: 1x BIS, 1x BOB, 7x GCH, 3x RCH
2004 shown 5X: 2x 1st, 2x 2nd, 1x 4th
2001 All-American Senior Yearling
2000 Reserve All-American Intermediate Kid

TANZANIA is a real beauty! This eye-catching chamoisee has great feet, legs & pasterns and a very smoothly blended front end. She is identical in type and style to her beautiful dam, and shares her attractive, auburn chamoisee coloration with a blazed face. She was part of my 2nd place junior get-of-sire at the 2000 ADGA National Show and later was named 2000 Reserve All-American intermediate kid. As a dry yearling, she was Best in Show at the Evergreen DGA over 162 does and junior champion at the Evergreen State Fair and an All-American selection.

As two year-old first freshener, her mammary was structurally correct in all aspects, just lacking the capacity to be at the front of the show line. She appraised excellent in head, shoulder assembly, body capacity and udder texture with a rear udder height score of 48! Her second freshening has provided the milk production she needed to finish her championship and her udder is fantastic. The 2003 opening show weekend found her at the head of the line winning her second official championship leg. The following weekend she finished her championship at the Central Oregon DGA Triple Crown in Redmond, OR. She continued to show well through our fair season winning champion and best udder at the Evergreen State Fair in late August and finished the season with 1st/1st udder placing at the Central Washington State Fair in early October. Her four year-old production hasn't been outstanding and she has added more than just "show bloom" so I only showed her at premium fairs. None-the-less, she was 1st/1st udder at the Evergreen State and Central Washington State Fairs

TANZANIA has also proven to be an outstanding brood doe, placing 5th Dam & Daughter group at the 2003 ADGA National Show with TRONA, and producing two All-American kids in succesive years (TRONA in 2002 and TRAVERTINE in 2003, and in 2004 they have been either 1st or 2nd Produce of Dam every time shown). This year's 2004 twins look like they will follow suit as both have junior championship wins.

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Mark V. Baden
4013 Military Road East
Tacoma, WA  98446

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