*B CH Redwood Hills X Soul Searcher
Color: Chamoise Born: 4/23/2008
Pictured left @ age 5 (May 2013)
SS: +*B Willow Run Wonder Revolution
Sire: ++*B Shining-Moon X-Rated
SD: GCH Shining-Moon Sine Qua Non 4*M EX93
DS: ++*B SG Tempo Aquila Freelance EX91
Dam: SGCH Redwood Hills Freelance Sass 11*M EX92
DD: SG Redwood Hills Kenyatta Santina 10*M VG86
PTI: -56 +13 ~November 2020
PTI: +1 +29 ~August 2013
PTI: -7 +25 ~November 2012
PTI: +10 +61 ~July 2012
Linear Appraisal:
5-01 EX91/E V E
3-02 EX91/E E E
1-04 G+84/+ + V |
Show Record:
Career: 2x BIS, 4x BOB, 4x GCH, 4x RGCH
2013 shown 6X: 2x BIS, 4x BOB, 4x GCH
2012 Shown 3X: 2x RGCH; 3x 1st |
USDA Sire Summary:
D/AV 2,509 98F 70P FS-87 ~November 2020
Semen Available: $60/straw
SEARCHER came to the herd in January 2012 with TUNGSTEN from BARBWIRE Alpines. He too had USDA proofs for both milk and type as a three year-old. I was most impressed with how well he had crossed with our GCH Olentangy Fiery Adularia *M EX92 in Gena's herd. His daughters have beautifully level rumps and mammaries with strong medials and attractive teats.
His breeding is a famous one that has been repeated with great success at Redwood Hill. FREELANCE daughters bred to X-RATED have resulted in the exciting 1st place Junior Yearling (and ADGA Junior National Champion) 2 year-old, 3 year-old (and National Champion with Best Udder) and 4 year-olds at the 2012 ADGA National Show. His dam, SASS has had her own show ring success as the 3rd place 3 year-old at the 2007 ADGA National Show and appraising as high as EX93 as a 4 year-old.
Our first daughter, Olentangy Soul Cerine, was 2nd place junior kid at the 2013 ADGA National Show in St. Paul, MN & part of our 1st place Junior Best 3 Females group. He is crossing well!
SGCH Redwood Hills Freelance Sass 11*M
1-11 305 3180 3.5 110 2.8 88
388 3810 3.4 130 2.8 105
3-01 245 2640 3.4 89 2.8 73
4-00 257 2590 3.2 84 2.7 70
4-11 229 2120 3.6 76 2.6 56
5-10 247 1950 3.0 59 2.7 53
6-11 150 680 3.1 21 2.6 18
7-10 86 470 3.4 16 3.0 14
LIFE 1.602 14,260 3.3 475 2.7 389
5-04 EX92/EEEE
4-05 EX93/EEEE
3-05 EX91/VEEE
2-05 VG89/EEEE
PTI: +22 +67 |
photo courtesy of Redwood Hill Farm
Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington USA
E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com
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Last modified: 5/29/2021
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