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+*B Iroquois-KC Yreka Phenomenon

Born: 5/07/1996     DNA TYPED
Pictured as a 2 Year-Old

     SS: ++*B Sodium Oaks Xspurt  VG87
Sire: ++*B GCH Sodium Oaks Yreka
     SD: GCH Sodium Oaks PS Titmouse 4*M

     DS: +*B Sweet-Dreams GF Condor
Dam: SGCH Tifdoroyl SDC Venus Valerie 4*M
     DD: SGCH Ruatha TSR Venesa Venus 3*M VG89

No Semen Available

Linear Appraisal:
1998: 2-01  88/V E E
1997: 1-01  83/+ V +
Show Record:
Career: 1x BIS, 2x BOB, 2x GCH, 3x RGCH
1996 & 1998 All-American Buck
USDA Sire Summary Info:
D/AV  2,401  90F  73P  FS-86.7
PTI:  -32 +78 ~December 2014

Phenomenon was a very long and level, correct buck with a smoothly blended front-end assembly and strong feet and legs. He earned two championship legs at the '98 Big BADGA Weekend in New Castle, PA where he also took home a best buck in show award. His daughters consistently show improvements in rear leg set, width between the hocks and front-end blending. Many have earned their junior championship legs and they have amassed eight Alpines International All-American titles. His jr. get-of-sire was first at the '98 ADGA National Show and sr. get-of-sire groups have been 6th & 7th in 2000 and 3rd in 2003 (pictured below). His milking daughters have high, wide rear udders and improved medial support and teat placement over their dams.

Two of our favorite
Phenomenon daughters, Tanzanite and Ametrine both finished their championships in '99 as two-year-olds. Three more daughters finished in 2000, including Carnelian, and others earned milking, championship legs. He's a buck that's certainly lived up to his name...and we especially appreciate the correct, attractive, feminine type that he consistently passed on to his daughters. My sincere thanks to Carmen Ellis, Iroquois-KC Alpines (now Lucky Hook Dairy), for this truly phenomenal buck.

2003 ADGA National Show 3rd Place Sr. Get-of-Sire

Phenomenon Daughters from Five Different Dams

GCH Tanzanite

SGCH Carnelian

GCH Ametrine


GCH Ruby T

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Mark V. Baden
4013 Military Road East
Tacoma, WA  98446
E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com

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