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GCH Olentangy Jamboree Chipper-oo 9*M

ROO @ 2019 National Show, age 2

Color:  Cou Clair                                 Born: 3/15/2017
Pictured as a 1st freshening 2 yr-old


   SS:  ++*B SG Tempo Aquila Freelance  EX91
Sire: +*B Redwood Hills Lance Jamboree  VG89
   SD: SGCH Redwood Hills RememberJambalya 4*M  EX92

   DS: ++*B Shining-Moon X-Rated

Dam: GCH Olentangy X-Rated Chippendale 8*M  EX92
GCH Olentangy Lance Miss Ruby Chip 7*M  EX90

DDD: SGCH Olentangy Trojan Miss Ruby C 6*M  EX91
      DDDD: GCH Olentangy Snapple Corundum 5*M  EX90
        DDDDD: GCH Olentangy Fortune Cinabre 4*M EX92
        DDDDDD: GCH Olentangy Fiery Cinnabar 3*M EX90
         DDDDDDD: SGCH Olentangy Phenomenal Carnelian 2*M  EX91

PTI:   -86 +25 ~December 2020   PTI:  -93   +8 ~August 2020
PTI:   -39 +27 ~December 2019

Linear Appraisal:
2021: 4-02  EX91/E E E E 

2019: 2-03  VG88/V V E E 
2-10  305  2,430  95F  74P 
2-00  245  1,670  63F  51P

Show Record: 
2019 Shown 8X: 3x GCH; 3x 1st, 3x 2nd

~ 15th place 2 Year-Old @ ADGA National Show
2018 Shown 2X: 1x GCH; 1x 1st, 1x ?
~ Sr Yearling @ Washington State Fair
2017 shown 1X

ROO is a third freshening 4 year-old, cou clair and just so darn cute! Her breeding is as a result of being offered semen from her sire to help prove him-out. I loved the pedigree and liked what other JAMBALYA sons have done and thought the combination of him bred to an X-RATED daughter was the best cross in my herd...and here she is, beautiful ROO!

I don't recall showing her as a kid in 2017 as she didn't fit in any junior get-of-sire groups and I needed to show 3 other Intermediate kids to accomplish the other gets. She stayed home even though I like all the kids to get travelling & ring experience. She earned her restricted, dry leg a year later at her first show, then wasn't shown again until the State Fair in late September.

She freshened with a beautiful udder that is technically correct in all mammary traits. I often describe her udder as "artistic" as if an artist sketched the ideal first freshening udder. My only complaint is that she (so far) has inherited her mother's less than ideal production record...but at least she also inherited her outstanding general appearance as you can see in her pictures the ideal topline and attractive head & breed character. She finished at the second show of the year and placed 15th at the National Show...if only she had more milk.

Her second freshening in 2020 produced twin AI buck kids and some more milk as can be seen in her lactation record above...we are getting there! Here's hoping a third freshening in 2021 produces doe kids & an even more milk!


            CHIPPENDALE as a 2 Year-Old                                      RUBY CHIP as a 2 Year-Old

Breeding plans for 2022 Kids:
A/I Breeding:                               
++*B SGCH Milar-Farm Royal Image  DNA  2008 ADGA National Show Premier Sire
Due Date:                                   February 2022, confirmed bred

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Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington  USA

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