
SG Olentangy Jaeger Ruby Cameo 7*M A/I
Linear Appraisal:
1-06 VG87/V V V V |
1-02 236 1,970 69F 57P |
Show Record:
Career: 1x RGCH
2014 shown 8X: 3x1st/1U, 2x 2nd, 2x 3rd, 1x 5th
~4th/3rd udder San Diego County Fair; Del Mar, CA
~5th milking yearling Washington State Fair
CAMEO is a stylish milking yearling with many similarities to her three milking sisters, and best of all, she sports the beautiful, Oberhasli, red family color! She has great depth & width for a young doe with an attractive, up-hill look and a beautifully, level rump.
As a kid in limited showing, she was once reserve junior champion at the Idaho Syringa over Memorial Day weekend (pictured below). Her senior doe debut was at the 2014 Lelia Berry Memorial where she was 1st/1st udder in all three rings. Her mammary has excellent, soft texture with ideal teat size & placement and a fore udder as impressive as any of her maternal sisters!
We look for her to mature similarly as her sisters MISS RUBY CHIP and CORRINDON...and that's a good thing when you consider their records & performance!

Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington USA
E-mail: markbaden@olentangyalpines.com

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Last modified: 10/26/2017
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