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SGCH Olentangy Recon Arzen 9*M

Color:  Broken Chamoisee, wattles            Born: 5/16/2017
Pictured as a 1st freshening 2 year-old

   SS: Marran Jack Russell
Sire: Marran Russian Reconnaissance  
DNA Parentage Verified
   SD: CH Marran Russian Roulette

   DS: ++*B GCH Colquitt's Andretti  EX91
Dam:  SGCH Olentangy Andretti Arany 8*M  EX91
    DD:   GCH Olentangy Yukon Adelite 7*M  EX92
 Olentangy Trojan Aragonite 6*M  VG88
      DDDD: GCH Olentangy Fiery Almandine 5*M  EX92
          DDDDD: GCH Olentangy Phenomenal Ametrine 4*M  EX91
GCH Olentangy WRW Amethyst 3*M  EX90

PTI:   +144 +154 ~December 2020
PTI:   +127 +118 ~August 2020  **Achived SG designation**
PTI:     +44   +69 ~December 2019

Linear Appraisal:
2019: 2-01  86/+ V E V
2019: 1-11  215  2,290  67F   63P
Show Record: 
2019 Shown 4X: 2x GCH

~3rd place 2 Year-Old @ Washington State Fair
~16th 2 Year-Old @ ADGA National Show
2018 Shown 2X: 1x 1x BIS, 1x GCH; 1x 1st
~4th Senior Yearling @ Washington State Fair
2017 Shown 2X: 1x RGCH; 2x 1st
~1st Junior Kid @ Minnesota State Fair
~1st Late Junior Kid & RGCH @ Washington State Fair

ARZEN is probably the most unique pedigreed doe in the adult herd at the moment. Her story & it's development in my breeding program is worth the lengthy explanation. I judged the 2016 Minnesota State Fair and it was a great research opportunity judging such a large Alpine competition. I was inspired by a beautiful produce-of-dam group that included the 1st place milking yearling & 2 year-olds so afterwards, I ordered a buck. RECON was born and shipped west and I was ready to try my first real outcross breedings on the majority of my herd the following breeding season. For some reason, I didn't DNA type RECON until the fall, after I had bred a number of does to mistake. The results were his sire did not qualify and so the parentage conundrum began. His breeders were very cooperative and the correct sire was identified. He ended up being a totally unproven buck, one that actually was more related to my herd than the outcross I originally wanted (I wanted a ROCHESTER son). Soured by the experience, I didn't have much interest in keeping any of his kids. The only reason ARZEN stayed was I sold ARANY's daughter the previous year (ANTEBELLUM) & regretted it the moment I said yes to sell her to an excited youth member (see how well she turned out below lower right!). Moral to the story, always DNA type & parentage verify any buck you keep or buy  BEFORE you use him to breed even one doe!

As a kid, ARZEN's first show was at the competitive, and large-classed Minnesota State Fair. She won her class (pictured lower left) and then again at the Washington State Fair where she was also RGCH. She earned her junior, restricted, leg as a Junior Yearling at her first show of the year with a BIS win. She freshened in May 2019 with another incredible, ADELE-family mammary. The dimensions of this doe-line's mammary systems are incredible. Three consecutive generations of scores OVER 40 in fore udder (FU), rear udder height (RUH) & even more rare, rear udder arch (RUA)! Her linear trait mammary scores are that of a truly excellent mammary but she was only 53 days in milk and the score was limited to Very Good. I've been pretty perplexed by this justification ever since and all I can do is hold my breath all year until she is appraised again, hoping nothing adverse happens in the meantime so that her correctness can be rewarded with the proper score.

ADELITE 38 43 42 24 27 22 32 34
ARANY 47 44 49 26 37 24 39 35
ARZEN 49 44 40 38 30 26 37 34

Her 2019 daughter by AMBITION is a lot like her and will be a junior yearling for us in 2020. Pictured below is ADELE, ARANY & ANTEBELLUM all at age 2...three generations of incredible mammary correctness rarely seen in the national landscape.




Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, Washington  USA

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