ARAGON is a feminine and dairy, second freshening three year-old. She is very reminiscent to her dam in color and disposition...always offering an affectionate rub and opening doors at every chance! I love her style and feel that she embodies the general appearance image of my breeding program. She wasn't shown much as a kid then as a dry yearling, she broke her right rear leg in an escape attempt from being clipped. She sat-out the entire show season due to the injury and the leg has healed. First fresh in 2011, her mammary is spectacular in rear udder arch, teat placement and size. It's beautiful! ARAGON's second freshening has given her more mammary capacity and in limited California showing she was two times 1st udder in 2012.
Pictured below right, is her maternal 1/2 sister AMARANTITE as a first freshening 2 year-old. They paired together as the first place Produce of Dam at the 2011 District VII Alpine Specialty Show (pictured below center). Below left, is their dam ALMANDINE as a first freshening 2 year-old in 2004...ARAGON has the same youthful elegance that her dam & sister had at the same age and they only have gotten better. We are excited that she has settled to ALLEGORY and expect impoved milk production, size and dairy style to result from the breeding.