AMBITION (SEAN) is a broken chamoise buck with wattles. He is long and level with good strength and development for aa a two year-old in 2019. When searching for a new buck I was intrigued when I noticed Rebecca had bred her TRILLIUM daughter to CHIMAY...a pedigree that combines the 4 best mammary systems that I have ever bred (CHRYSTIN, CHRYSOCOLLA, ADELITE & TRILLIUM) and combines all three of my A, T & C lines. I hoped for a buck all winter long...and lucky me in April when she had twins!
SEAN's maternal 1/2 brother, AVATAR, is making a great name for himself working at Redwood Hill Dairy siring beautiful daughters (including the 1st place milking yearling and 1st place 3 year-old @ 2018 ADGA National show...who was also Reserve Best Udder!) and his sire had an impressive 2019 National Showing with his Senior Get-of-Sire placing 1st and being named 2019 Alpine Premier Sire! I have the same hopes for SEAN here to live-up to his acclaimed pedigree.
SEAN's daughters born in 2018 & 2019 all have outstanding general appearance and nearly every one that I've shown has earned their dry leg. His junior get-of-sire was 2nd at the 2019 ADGA National Show infront of his sire's (CHIMAY) get! I'm looking forward to using him to provide more line breeding opportunities to bring out some of the best traits in mammary system that we have ever created. He has seen heavier use than we normally give a young herdsire because I like him that much! Thank you Becca!
AMBITION's dam & granddam:
SGCH Lacey Oak Avolyn 6*M
7-02 EX92/EEEE (chamoisee in front)
SGCH Olentangy Rainman Trillium 5*M
6-04 EX92/VEEE (sundgau in back)
2013 Sonoma County Fair 1st Dam & Daughter group
Photos courtesy of Rebecca Kracker - Lacey Oak Alpines