
GCH Olentangy Hero Amarantite 6*M
AMY is a feminine, sharp and dairy, fourth freshening five year-old. She is lighter in bone than our other senior does, but excells in length of bone pattern, stature and upstandingness. Her mammary is spectacular in rear udder height, shape and blending into her escutcheon. Each additional freshening has provided greater capacity and increased area of udder attachment.
Her show career began at the National show in Gillette, Wyoming placing eleventh in the junior kid class. The next year she won a restricted leg as a dry yearling at the Idaho Syringa DGA in Boise. As a first freshener, she was champion once and reserve twice at small fairs but the highlight of that year was her ADGA National Show placing. I was very pleased with her fifth place in Sacramento, especially as a first freshener and with the level of competition. Paired with her dam, ALMANDINE, they were third place dam & daughter group.
She finished her championship at the 2010 Idaho Syringa DGA (pictured below, left) to become a 4th consecutive permanent champion. In 2011, she was the Senior Champion at the District VII Alpine Specialty Show over 31 senior does and twice selected Best of Breed over our GCH TEGRA when shown in Champion Challenge. She ended the year with an exciting championship win at the Western Washington Fair over 41 senior does against the best competition of the year. This is my favorite doe-line (The "A" line) and I couldn't be more pleased. We are SUPER excited to finally have a daughter (make that TWO!), and FORTUNE grand-daughters are exciting prospects!