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GCH Olentangy Fiery Adularia 5*M

Born: 2/26/2001
Pictured as a 5 Year-Old, 5th lactation

     SS: ++*B Sweet Dreams Wildfire
+*B GCH Clovertop's Fire Storm
     SD: GCH Clovertop's Gene Sashay 2*M 

     DS: *B Olentangy Phenomenal Advantage
Olentangy Advantage Aquamarine 4*M
     DD: GCH Olentangy WRW Aventurine 3*M

PTI:  +9  +62

Linear Appraisal:
4-03  92/E E E E
3-06  90/E E E E
2-05  90/V E E E

1-05  86/+ V E V
0-05  Ec/E E V
5-00 276 2,640   96F 80P
4-01 305 2,840 108F 90P v
3-01 305 2,900 123F 91P v
2-00 305 1,990   78F 65P v
Show Record:
Career: 1x BOB, 5x GCH, 4x RGCH
2007 ADGA National Show 15th 5-6 Year-Old
2006 California State Fair 4th 5-6 Year-Old
2005 ADGA National Show 9th 4 Year-Old
2005 All-American 4 Year-Old
2003 ADGA National Show 12th 2 Year-Old
2003 Reserve All-American 2 Year-Old
2001 Reserve All-American Senior Kid

A lavender, two-tone chamoisee, ANDIE is another outstanding STORM daughter. She continues the strengths in general appearance of her maternal line with a level topline and smoothly blended front end. As a kid, she earned her dry leg at the Western Washington State Fair and later was named Reserve All-American. Her yearling freshening produced a beautiful mammary with a wide rear attachment and pleasing shape. She was reserve champion at the Thurston County Fair for her second championship as a yearling milker!

She finished her championship in 2003 at the Central Oregon DGA Triple Crown with a Grand and Best of Breed title over fellow class winners GCH Trona, GCH Tanzania and Rhoda. She continued to have an outstanding year placing 12th in a large, competitive class at the ADGA National Show, then appraising Excellent just six days after returning home from Des Moines. She ended the year with a Reserve Champion win at the Central Washington State Fair and was part of our runner-up best dairy herd in show. As a three year-old, her production peaked at over 16 pounds and her correct, mature style was awarded another excellent appraisal.

At four years, she really put it together upstaging my younger does at the Central Oregon DGA for a championship against 46 senior does and then appraising excellent for the third consecutive year. Her impressive final score of 92 includes E in head, shoulder assembly, front legs, back and udder texture. She was 9th at the ADGA National Show and won her class at all of our fairs including Reserve Champion at the Thurston County Fair. Now an aged doe in 2006, she was Grand Champion at the Evergreen State Fair and fourth at the California State Fair. A favorite among my show friends for her pink nose & taste for cracker treats, she is a true dairy goat and a joy to own.

Mark V. Baden
Tacoma, WA  USA

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